Movie 3.

(A–D) Spinning disc microscopy videos of macrophages that migrate towards a laserablated cell (indicated by the yellow circle). Cells are imaged for 30 minutes after ablation in a 30 seconds interval and tracked afterwards using Imaris. (A) WT wild type (B) ck1αL141M mutant, (C) waveΔ37 and (D) βPS-integrin (mys1) mutant macrophages. Homozygous mutant cells are labeled by GFP expression using the MARCM system. Scale bars represent 10 μm.

CK1α protects WAVE from degradation to regulate cell shape and motility in the immune response

Alexander Hirschhäuser, Marianne van Cann, and Sven Bogdan

J Cell Sci 2021. 134:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.258891