Related to Figure 4. Recording of whole desmosome internalisation of HGF-treated MDCK cells expressing the indicated desmosomal proteins. Time-lapse confocal microscopy movie of scattering MDCK cells expressing either Desmocollin tagged with YFP (Dsc2a, green) or Desmoglein 2 tagged with mCherry (Dsg2, magenta). Images were acquired every 5 sec for 10 min (process of internalisation shown), starting 4 h after addition of HGF (40 ng/ml). Scale bar indicates 5 μm. Arrows indicate double-labeled desmosome (white).
Judith B. Fülle, Henri Huppert, David Liebl, Jaron Liu, Rogerio Alves de Almeida, Bian Yanes, Graham D. Wright, E. Birgitte Lane, David R. Garrod, and Christoph Ballestrem
J Cell Sci
2021. 134:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.258906