Movie 2.

Live-cell microscopy showing fluorescence recovery after photobleaching of polyP 89 treated WT D. discoideum cells. WT D. discoideum cells were incubated in SIH with 705 μg/ml 90 polyP, and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching was monitored over time. Fluorescence 91 images were collected every 0.5 seconds for 59 seconds using a 60× water-immersion objective. 92 Bar is 10 μm. Indicated time after bleaching is in minutes:seconds.

Dictyostelium discoideum cells retain nutrients when the cells are about to outgrow their food source

Ramesh Rijal, Sara A. Kirolos, Ryan J. Rahman, and Richard H. Gomer

J Cell Sci 2022. 135:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.260107