Movie 4.

3D-rendering of STORM data. Fn1 fibril detected using anti-GFP antibodies is rotated around the x-axis to show the arrangement of Fn1 localizations in 3D. The movie starts in x-y plane. Yellow arrows point at Fn1 nanodomains in the fibrils. Red arrows point to the space between the nanodomains.

A new mechanism of fibronectin fibril assembly revealed by live imaging and super-resolution microscopy

Darshika Tomer, Cecilia Arriagada, Sudipto Munshi, Brianna E. Alexander, Brenda French, Pavan Vedula, Valentina Caorsi, Andrew House, Murat Guvendiren, Anna Kashina, Jean E. Schwarzbauer, and Sophie Astrof

J Cell Sci 2022. 135:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.260120