Movie 6.

Cells incubated with III-11C, show robust fibrillogenesis. Fn1mEGFP/+ MEFs were plated on uncoated glass in 8-well Ibidi chambers for 4 hours. Medium containing 11-IIIC control peptide was then added and cells were filmed every 90 sec for about 15 hours, as described in Methods. The movie begins approximately 30 min after the 11-IIIC-containing medium was added, the time it takes to set up a time-lapse recording. Arrows point to the cell periphery and examples of centripetally moving Fn1 fibrils.

A new mechanism of fibronectin fibril assembly revealed by live imaging and super-resolution microscopy

Darshika Tomer, Cecilia Arriagada, Sudipto Munshi, Brianna E. Alexander, Brenda French, Pavan Vedula, Valentina Caorsi, Andrew House, Murat Guvendiren, Anna Kashina, Jean E. Schwarzbauer, and Sophie Astrof

J Cell Sci 2022. 135:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.260120