FUD interferes with the linking of centripetally moving Fn1 nanodomains into fibrils. Fn1mEGFP/+ MEFs were plated on glass in 8-well Ibidi chambers for 4 hours. Medium containing FUD peptide was then added and cells were filmed every 3 min for about 15 hours, as described in Methods. The movie begins approximately 30 min after the FUDcontaining medium was added, the time it takes to set up a time-lapse recording. Note the dismantling of the remaining pre-existing fibrils at the beginning of the movie. Yellow and red arrows point to the cell periphery. Note the presence of centripetally moving Fn1-mEGFP “beads” and the scarcity of Fn1 fibrils for the majority of the duration of the movie.
Darshika Tomer, Cecilia Arriagada, Sudipto Munshi, Brianna E. Alexander, Brenda French, Pavan Vedula, Valentina Caorsi, Andrew House, Murat Guvendiren, Anna Kashina, Jean E. Schwarzbauer, and Sophie Astrof
J Cell Sci
2022. 135:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.260120