Spatially controlled S100A11 flashes are specific to disassembling FAs. Uncropped (top row) and cropped (lower row) TIRF timelapse image series of a HeLa cell co-expressing GFP-S100A11 (green) and vinculin-mCherry (red) collected at a rate of 1 frame every 4 s. Scale Bar: 5 μm. A distinct S100A11 flash occurs distally to a FA that subsequently disassembles (blue arrow). In contrast, a neighboring FA located about 14 μm away experiences no S100A11 flash and remains stable (yellow arrow).
Tareg Omer Mohammed, You-Rong Lin, Lucky Akter, Kai Weissenbruch, Kien Xuan Ngo, Yanjun Zhang, Noriyuki Kodera, Martin Bastmeyer, Yusuke Miyanari, Azuma Taoka, and Clemens M. Franz
J Cell Sci
2024. 137:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.261492