Movie 1.
(related to Figure 4): Extension of GFP::M6 along a vertex during TCJ formation. En face view (top left) and orthogonal views of a single vertex accumulating GFP::M6 in lateral epidermis of stage 13 embryo. Note that GFP::M6 initially accumulates in a single spot at the apical tip of the vertex and that GFP::M6 signal subsequently extends basalwards along the vertex. See also Wittek et al. (2020). Time (h : min : sec) is indicated. Scale bar: 5μm.
Palmitoylation of proteolipid protein M6 promotes tricellular junction assembly in epithelia of Drosophila
J Cell Sci 2024. 137:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.261916