Movie 2.
(related to Figure 4): Time-lapse movies of M6 accumulation at epidermal cell vertices. Dorso-lateral view of epidermis in stage 13 embryos homozygous for endogenous GFP::M6 (left) or GFP::M63xCS (right). Movies were aligned to the timepoint (t=30 min) that shows first enrichment of GFP signals at 5% of the final number of vertices. Note the delay in vertex accumulation of GFP::M63xCS compared to GFP::M6. The movie of the GFP::M6 control embryo ends at t=100 min. Time (min) is indicated. Scale bar: 50μm.
Palmitoylation of proteolipid protein M6 promotes tricellular junction assembly in epithelia of Drosophila
J Cell Sci 2024. 137:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.261916