To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video Movie 4. Constitutively active c-Src decreases 3D cell migration in a bead sprouting assay. Corresponds to Fig. 3E. HUVECs transduced with mScarlet-tagged c-Src mutants were grown in a 5 mg/mL fibrin gel bead sprouting assay for 5 days before live imaging of DIC at 30 min intervals over 72 h. c-Src-induced vascular malformations require localised matrix degradation at focal adhesions Patricia Essebier, Mikaela Keyser, Teodor Yordanov, Brittany Hill, Alexander Yu, Ivar Noordstra, Alpha S. Yap, Samantha J. Stehbens, Anne K. Lagendijk, Lilian Schimmel, and Emma J. Gordon J Cell Sci 2024. 137:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.262101 Download Original Video