Movie 2.

Illustrative movies of sequential render of GLUT4-GFP in ultrathick sections of cleared mouse heart. Sequential movie along the axial imaging depth of a whole mount of optically cleared 3-mm thick mouse ventricular heart section, expressing GLUT4-GFP and with fluorescent intensity colour-coded using the gfireh lookup table. Specimen was imaged using the Mesolens system over a 5 mm × 5 mm × 3 mm volume using a z-step size of 5 μm as described in Method.

A novel 3D imaging approach for quantification of GLUT4 levels across the intact myocardium

Angéline Geiser, Susan Currie, Hadi Al-Hasani, Alexandra Chadt, Gail McConnell, and Gwyn W. Gould

J Cell Sci 2024. 137:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.262146