YFP fluorescence signals are present in dynamic vesicle-like structures in YFP-TTN5 expressing N. benthamiana pavement cells. Time series of YFP fluorescence signals together with cis-Golgi marker GmMan1-mCherry. GmMan1-positive Golgi stacks showed movement in N. benthamiana epidermal cells together with YFP fluorescence upon transient transformation with YFP-TTN5 construct. GmMan1 is described with a stop-and-go directed movement mediated by the actino-myosin system (Nebenfuhr 1999) and similarly it might be the case for YFP-TTN5 signals based on the colocalization. Hence fluorescence signals were present in a comparable manner to Arabidopsis seedlings. Experiment was performed once in three replicates (n = 3). Scale bar 50 μm.