Movie 4.

HIV-1 Gag-carrying LEL come together at VCCs. Live-cell imaging 2D rendition obtained from recording and stacking several images from the Z-axis in a confocal microscope using THP-1 GagZip macrophages 72 h after HIV-1 induction and incubation with 50 nM Lysotracker red. The movie shows a 15 min recording of a group of LEL (red) that co-traffics with Gag-GFP (white) molecules and deliver them as cargo to already formed Gag-GFP clusters. Size bar represents 1 μm. The movie was processed and assembled using Imaris v10.0.0.

HIV-1 N-myristoylation-dependent hijacking of late endosomes/lysosomes to drive Gag assembly in macrophages

Gabriel I. Guajardo-Contreras, Ana L. Abdalla, Alex Chen, Meijuan Niu, Erwan Beauchamp, Luc G. Berthiaume, Alan W. Cochrane, and Andrew J. Mouland

J Cell Sci 2024. 137:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.263588