Movie 1

The forelegs of beetle revealed regular motion patterns along with the leftward and rightward visual fictive turnings. The camera was placed 15 cm behind the beetle recording in a 60 degree downward view. The period of visual stimulation was 5 s and the period between two stimulations was 2 s. During fictive left turnings (strips moving leftwards), the left leg moved closer to the body and the right leg moved away from the body (clockwise). During fictive right turnings (strips moving rightwards), right leg moved closer to the body and the left leg moved away from the body (counterclockwise).

Role of outstretched forelegs of flying beetles revealed and demonstrated by remote leg stimulation in free flight

Yao Li, Feng Cao, Tat Thang Vo Doan, and Hirotaka Sato

Journal of Experimental Biology 2017. 220:3499-3507; doi: 10.1242/jeb.159376