Movie 2

Treated giant danio in a school of normal fish immediately after lateral line system ablation swims normally. Treated fish (week 0) is indicated with gray trajectory and appears to swim with the school in the same direction while maintaining a normal distance from its nearest neighbor fish. The hair cells are ablated with gentamycin seen in Fig. 4B. The schooling behavior appears to be similar to the pretreatment group in Mov. S1. Recording is from one camera view shown in real time at 50 frames s-1.

The effects of lateral line ablation and regeneration in schooling giant danios

Prasong J. Mekdara, Margot A. B. Schwalbe, Laura L. Coughlin, and Eric D. Tytell

Journal of Experimental Biology 2018. 221:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jeb.175166