Movie 1

Hummingbird and glider transits through a fast upward gust. The first segment identifies the views and the position of the gust. The next segment shows side and top views of a hummingbird transiting a vertical gust using the tail-dominated response. The third segment shows side and top views of a hummingbird transiting a vertical gust using the wings-dominated response. The fourth segment shows a naive hummingbird entering the gust region for the first time. The fifth segment shows a hummingbird transiting the gust repeatedly in quick succession. The sixth segment shows a hummingbird displaying independent control over the flapping of each wing. The seventh segment shows a hummingbird entering the gust region immediately after it was turned off at the end of experiments. The final segments show a glider with a bioinspired deflectable tail and compare flights control flights with the gust off, and flights with the gust on and the tail in the fixed and deflectable configurations. Footage from another camera showing close-up tail motion is shown in the lower right corner. The final segment shows a comparison of the fixed and deflectable configurations.

Avoiding topsy-turvy: how Anna's hummingbirds (Calypte anna) fly through upward gusts

Marc A. Badger, Hao Wang, and Robert Dudley

Journal of Experimental Biology 2019. 222:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jeb.176263