Movie 1

This video shows the Northern quoll climbing the inclined platform. The inclined platform was a 90 mm wide plank of wood, covered in fine sandpaper (P120) to provide traction at a 38° angle, and represented a wide surface larger than the length of the hindfoot. Central to the platform is the force transducer (Nano-17 titanium, ATI instruments) placed level with the trackway, with a 90 × 90 mm platform attached to it. The Northern Quoll strikes this platform with the front left foot, then both hindfeet.

Moving in complex environments: a biomechanical analysis of locomotion on inclined and narrow substrates

Christofer J. Clemente, Taylor J. M. Dick, Rebecca Wheatley, Joshua Gaschk, Ami Fadhillah Amir Abdul Nasir, Skye F. Cameron, and Robbie S. Wilson

Journal of Experimental Biology 2019. 222:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jeb.189654