Movie 1

Feeding behaviour and 3D μCT scans of jawless zebrafish. Phenotypic comparison of nkx3.2-/- and wildtype zebrafish. Three-dimensional rendering of μCT scan of the age-matched nkx3.2-/- (ua5011) and wildtype (AB strain) zebrafish at 2 mpf, each followed by filming of feeding behavior on brine shrimp played at 1/10 original speed.

nkx3.2 mutant zebrafish accommodate jaw joint loss through a phenocopy of the head shapes of Paleozoic jawless fish

Tetsuto Miyashita, Pranidhi Baddam, Joanna Smeeton, A. Phil Oel, Natasha Natarajan, Brogan Gordon, A. Richard Palmer, J. Gage Crump, Daniel Graf, and W. Ted Allison

Journal of Experimental Biology 2020. 223:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jeb.216945