Movie 1.

Adhesion test recordings showing the three contact modes: in air, underwater: bubble and underwater: no bubble on a hydrophobic PFOTS-coated glass substrate. The two top panels of the video show the synchronous raw bottom-view and side-view recordings of the pad making contact with the substrate. The lower-left panel shows contact area extraction of the hairs with the surface via image processing and lower-right panel shows the corresponding temporal contact force and area data plot, with the data cursor synchronized with the other panel.

Wetting of the tarsal adhesive fluid determines underwater adhesion in ladybird beetles

Pranav Sudersan, Michael Kappl, Bat-El Pinchasik, Hans-Jürgen Butt, and Thomas Endlein

Journal of Experimental Biology 2021. 224:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jeb.242852