Leg adjustments. Top left: zoomed top view. White points with thick blue, red, and black edges are the left and right tibia-tarsal joints and origin of thorax frame, respectively. White points with thin blue and red edges are the projections of the tibia-tarsal joints into the body coronal plane. Total leg sprawl is the angle between the dashed blue and red lines. Top right: zoomed mirrored side view. White points with blue, red, and black edges are tibia-tarsal joints and their projections to body coronal plane, respectively. Leg height of left and right hind legs is opposite value of the length of the blue and red lines, respectively. Bottom left: isometric view. Note that this view is mirrored to better show leg motion. Bottom right: Leg sprawl (top) and leg height (bottom) as a function of time. Blue and red are for left and right hind legs, respectively.