Movie 2.

Jalmenus evagoras male exhibiting a typical inspection response towards a robotic flapper. During the polarization discrimination behavioral experiments, only responses that showed all the features exemplified in the video above were recorded: a clear deviation from the previous flight path, a pause to inspect (sometimes brief) and then resumption of normal flight. Video is taken on an Apple Iphone 6 using the ‘slow-motion’ video capture and edited in Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 to increase sharpness and clarity using the “unsharp mask” function.

A hypothesis for robust polarization vision: an example from the Australian imperial blue butterfly, Jalmenus evagoras

Richard A. Rabideau Childers, Gary D. Bernard, Heqing Huang, Cheng-Chia Tsai, Mary Caswell Stoddard, Benedict G. Hogan, Joel S. F. Greenwood, Edward R. Soucy, Mark Cornwall, Matthew Lek Min Lim, Marjorie A. Liénard, Nanfang Yu, and Naomi E. Pierce

Journal of Experimental Biology 2023. 226:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jeb.244515