Movie 3.

An animated 3-d reconstruction of the optic nerve arborization along the lateral neuropil of Acanthopleura granulata. This video is a 3-d reconstruction of the left section of Fig. 5C, which is a composite maximum projection image. The large white nerve in the video is the optic nerve labeled with a white arrow in Fig. 5C, and magenta neurites in the video are the traversing neurites of the optic nerve labeled with a magenta arrow in Fig 5C. The white fasciculated optic nerve splits into two separate neurite bundles which travel to separate tracts of the neuropil. The white- and magenta-labeled optic nerves are seen to travel in close proximity to one another and both have periodic varicosities that are likely en passant synapses.

Polarization sensitivity and decentralized visual processing in an animal with a distributed visual system

Daniel R. Chappell, and Daniel I. Speiser

Journal of Experimental Biology 2023. 226:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jeb.244710