Movie 1.

Reconstruction-reprojection results superposed on raw data and shown in 3D for several wingbeats. The four panels on the left show raw footage from the four fast cameras. On top of each image, body pixels are marked in green, the left wing pixels are marked in blue (top half) and cyan (bottom half), and the right wing pixels are marked in red (top half) and magenta (bottom half). Black lines indicate the span vector in each view. Note that wing pixels are identified also when they are occluded by the body. The 3D plot on the right shows the final 3D hull of the fly, with the body in green and the wing leading/trailing edges in the same color code as in the 2D images.

A hull reconstruction–reprojection method for pose estimation of free-flying fruit flies

Roni Maya, Noam Lerner, Omri Ben-Dov, Arion Pons, and Tsevi Beatus

Journal of Experimental Biology 2023. 226:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jeb.245853