Movie 2.

Illustration of the experimental procedure to determine the effect of the surface topography on trajectory distribution and shape. The beetles were placed in the center of a horizontally aligned arena with a large AVW alongside their dung balls. The beetles rolled their dung balls across the surface in an individually selected direction. Once they reached a linear distance of 20 cm from the starting point, the individual was picked up and the trial was terminated. The path of the dung ball was traced.

The effect of surface topography on the ball-rolling ability of Kheper lamarcki (Scarabaeidae)

Nienke N. Bijma, Peter Billeschou, Emily Baird, Marie Dacke, Alexander Kovalev, Alexander E. Filippov, Poramate Manoonpong, and Stanislav N. Gorb

Journal of Experimental Biology 2024. 227:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jeb.245920