TIRF microscopy reveals adhesion turn over changes during cell shape changes associated to furrow formation. (A) Adhesion dynamics during optogenetic activation of RhoA in control cells. Cell is expressing LARG-mTurq-SspB, iLID-CaaX, nuclear marker H2B-mCh, and plasma membrane marker Venus-KRasCT (gray). (B) Adhesion dynamics during optogenetic activation of RhoA in FAK-overexpressing cells. Cell is expressing LARG-mTurq-SspB, iLID-CaaX, FAK-mCh, and plasma membrane marker Venus-KRasCT (gray). (C) Adhesion dynamics during optogenetic activation of RhoA in fascin-overexpressing cells. Cell is expressing LARG-mTurq-SspB, iLID-CaaX, fascin-mCh, and plasma membrane marker Venus-KRasCT (gray). Rectangles represent the area of photoactivation. Scale bar is 10 ìm. Time is in min:sec, also see Figure 4.