Movie 1.

Time-lapse movie of a GFP-PCNT knock-in cell. Selected time-lapse micrographs (inset #1) are shown in Example 1 of Fig. 1A. Arrowheads denote the fusing and splitting events of the GFP-PCNT granules. Asterisks denote the centrosomes.

Condensation of pericentrin proteins in human cells illuminates phase separation in centrosome assembly

Xueer Jiang, Dac Bang Tam Ho, Karan Mahe, Jennielee Mia, Guadalupe Sepulveda, Mark Antkowiak, Linhao Jiang, Soichiro Yamada, and Li-En Jao

J Cell Sci 2021. 134:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.258897