Movie 2.
F-actin dynamics during exocytosis in control cells. Live-cell time-lapse imaging of Lifeact-ruby (gray) to visualize F-actin and mucins (red) during exocytosis in control cells shows that F-actin forms around secreting granules and drives exocytosis. Arrow points to a granule undergoing exocytosis. Movie shows a single slice from a z-stack comprising 16 total optical slices at a 0.75 μm step size. A total of 150 frames were captured, comprising ∼14 mins total time. Movie shows 79 frames comprising a total of ∼7.3 mins total time. Full genotype: UAS-lifeact-ruby/+; Sgs3>/Sgs3-GFP.
A novel function for Rab1 and Rab11 during secretory granule maturation
J Cell Sci 2021. 134:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.259037